Protocol Consultants International

Professional Presence, Corporate Training and Development
Consulting and Protocol Certification

© 2011-2014 Protocol Consultants International

Contact us.

E-mail: Judith Bowman

Networking - Remember, you are never invited anywhere because someone thinks you need to be fed!  Networking is all of our life-lines(!)  and, presents another terrific opportunity to meet others you would never otherwise have the chance to meet, who may prove useful now or, at some future date either for yourself or, others.  This video walks through specific ways you can capitalize on attendance at any event and “work the room” efficiently.  We acknowledge that networking and “working a room” is “work” and, an Art.. one, which must be practiced, rehearsed, refined and, ultimately mastered, in order to advance, professionally. 
Tel: 508-888-7800   E-mail: Judith Bowman


Tap into the fast-growing Protocol Industry through our proven, established Protocol Certification program and, coaching and guidance from an 
All-Star cast of business practitioners who have tested and refined the business model.

Click here to learn more about 
Protocol Certification.