Judith Bowman Enterprises
Fabulous Woman

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Mika Brzezinski
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The morning co-host is authentic, candid, blunt. Her fresh, no-nonsense persona is reflected in her timeless look and iconic style.

She wears no Jewelry explaining, “jewelry and hair change over time… fad jewelry and fussy hair styles are distracting and actually detract from your professional aura.” She doesn’t have the time or inclination to bother with jewelry and says “I kind of like the way it looks and I like the way I feel without a lot of adornments …. I think women should use the tools of her voice, eyes, face and posture to communicate their statement.”

French Nails? The beautifully dressed, impeccably coiffed, poised and perfectly postured co-host emphatically states, “my hands have never seen a manicure! I don’t have time … sometimes I cut them .. one is crooked … I think I cut one off with a machete once…”

Hosiery? “Oh my God No!” It’s a non-topic.

Being a woman in a man’s world. “I don’t think it’s a man’s world any more… but I’ll go with that because I work with a lot of men.”

I treat people the way they treat me. If a door is opened or a chair pulled out that’s fine, but I’m 48 years old and I have been around and I am sort of in that middle area and completely ambidextrous…”
The Morning Joe co-host starts her days at 3:30 A.M. daily, writes best selling motivational books, goes on fast-paced, full-scheduled national motivational tours, has a husband and two daughters, and a team of people virtually perched over her every move. So … 

What motivates you?

I have been given an incredible platform to reach women and access my message, and finally do something to say, “thank you.” I see these women just completely explode, their eyes and mouths wide open and they’re like, “Yes, I can do this!” and it is just so exhilarating.”
I had always liked being in the television business and never knew how much I loved it until I lost my job and wasn’t working for a year. So when Morning Joe came along, it was a real surprise and a blessing. This was the first real branded platform I had, being the most watched political show and all the frenzy of politics, and it is fun.”
The “Know Your Value” tour continues in Orlando on Nov. 20. Go to msnbc.com/knowyourvalue for more details.