Judith Bowman Enterprises
Fabulous Woman
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Lynn Nicholas is President and Chief Executive Officer, Massachusetts Hospital Association.
The self-described extrovert says, “I admire and try to surround myself with others who have a positive ‘can do’ attitude.” The Health Industry Chief is “impatient with people who tend to dwell on life’s roadblocks” and also acknowledges, “the challenge, is not everyone is outgoing.” She continues, “I work at bringing introverts out, to make sure they contribute and don’t get overlooked … and that’s a constant struggle for me because,” she continues, “we tend to want to be with like-minded people, and as a leader, you have to make sure you don’t surround yourself with clones.“
Ms. Nicholas also believes humor helps deflect tense situations. To her, “the best day is when we have been really productive, and we laughed.”
The MHA Chief says, “building confidence is the single biggest challenge and growth opportunity for most women… especially young women, in terms of fulfilling leadership aspirations.
Ms. Nicholas believes, “in order to really succeed, you need competence and confidence in equal measure and women, in particular, lack confidence.” She contents, “the two biggest issues: 1. women don’t speak up 2. they think they have to have the perfect answer, flawless report.” Ms. Nicholas goes on to say, “it is well documented that women don’t ask for a raise in proportion to their male counterparts who are overconfident which is a conundrum because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.” The CEO concludes, “if you don’t think you can, … if you don’t feel you have the experience, nobody else will.”
“Even when I was very young, I have always had innate confidence,” says the first born. “I have never been afraid to speak up or be first person or get out in front.” She has always instinctively volunteered, offered to help, or looked something up and shares an early childhood memory: “I remember a boring Sunday School (teacher)” and goes on to say, “so I brought in a Simon and Garfunkel album to play some edgy music, Sounds of Silence and said, ‘why don’t we talk about this instead … it might be more relevant.’ Nicholas continues, “that was bold, especially when I had no invitation whatsoever, to do that.”
As a mentor and a leader Ms. Nicholas says, “I try to build confidence with the women I work with” and gives this example: “when I meet any young woman who gives me a limp handshake, I will say” … with her Southern accent … ‘let me tell you a little secret’ … “and I make them shake my hand again, three times, until they get it.” They beam, and their parents beam, and says, “I feel like I just helped instill confidence in that young lady.”
Professional Style
Lynn Nicholas has a unique ability to make instant connections with perfect strangers… which is how we met! The MHA CEO speaks to that:
“How you dress is important,” says the MHA Chief. “I have always made it my practice to dress a level above the norm for the position I held… I would watch what other people wore and emulated this, but with my own sense of style and personality.” She goes on to say, “I don’t go with the latest fashion fad but wear classic cuts and classic colors” and adds, “the one rule I break is the ‘never wear brown’ rule… I wear brown a lot because in my role, I don’t want to come across as the power person, I want to come across as the person people trust.” Ms. Nicholas goes on to say, “Every night, I get my calendar out and dress for those I am meeting with the next day… I dress with intention.” She further states, “that’s also important because when I feel well-dressed and appropriately dressed, it enhances my confidence and makes me feel good about myself, and I believe that comes across.”
“Smile, just smile,” she says. “There is never a reason to have a grim look.“
“I always reach out and initiate some conversation with everyone from the cab driver to the guy on the elevator, to the woman in the restroom I met brushing my teeth who works down the hall“ and says “I feel an obligation to make other people feel warm and comfortable.”
"I don’t want to come across as the power person, I want to come across as the person people trust."
She has been awarded BBJ’s coveted Healthiest Small Employer Award for five consecutive years – and this year was awarded the Healthcare Hero “Advocate” Award. She campaigns in ways large and small throughout the country speaking about healthcare policy, but also to the dangers of smoking and a healthy life style and totally ‘walks the talk.’ She is also very supportive of women,
and increasingly younger women.
I feel her POW and energy as she emerges. Looking the ever-consummate professional in her classic black Doncaster suit, tasteful gold jewelry, black patent shoes, she is at the ready, engaging, welcoming, … and with a warm hug, she is anxious to get started.